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August Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Little Rock DNALittle Rock DNA

Dir. Miller attended. 

told us he confirmed operator of scooters has power to shut them down at time specified. also to limit geography to specified area - not allowed at Clinton Library, for example. he is pursuing last month's DNA safety proposal to shut off scooters in Entertainment area overnight. hours under discussion. likely after closing time of alcohol outlets. an outcome of shooting of Conway minor riding a scooter at 2 a.m. in front of Convention Ctr. as birthday stunt w/friends. recognize these scooters are "attractive nuisance" to youth especially in late night. 

police reported no arrest yet in that shooting.

lacking a quorum we did not act officially; however, all present agreed in a consensus that our faithful supporter, Scott Holliday, should be reimbursed $45 he paid to renew DNA account for agent for notice of service. also noted the filing should be made current w/Sec. of State for organization, on names of officers, etc.

upon the report of the redevelopment of the Travel Ctr., the bus depot at Cumberland & Capitol, members asked for a speaker from Rock Region Metro to present info on this project. email attached as background. 14 stories tall. 225 units of housing. commercial space to rent. etc.  consider for sep. 5 mtg. may boost attendance, all agreed.

announced National Night Out event set for Tues. Oct. 1 and all were asked for ideas on a DNA observance. 

one idea: shift that week's meeting from Thu. to Tues. typical event is block party that attracts city officials, police officials, candidates, residents, etc. 

should set location soon, I imagine.

several asked about what would be order of implementing programs under the new Downtown Master Plan. we thought there would be an order of progression, but wanted to know more. ask Gabe Holmstrom, ex. dir. of Downtown Partnership, to come & speak about this, group agreed.

reported city will hire consultant to plan deckpark over I30 at Sixth St. overpass in fourth quarter of year. all were pleased to get update.

Dir. Miller reported he was beginning a major effort to get residents involved in the basics of city government in preparing the 2025 budget. the process should start next month, he said, and it should be transparent, with meetings open to public that include taking public comment. all agreed the previous practice offers public comment too late to be meaningful so should begin earlier. 

Miller asked for a DNA letter of support to get better public involvement in writing the city budget. (draft attached, for approval.)

He said he focused on streets, vehicle replacement, trash pickup, and housing in the $330 million annual budget to be prepared. The question was raised about moving to a rotation plan with setting aside funds to replace vehicles, rather than today's practice of getting voters to fund a tax for replacing worn-out fleets of city police cars, firetrucks, etc. Miller said he fully agreed the present practice must be revised and said he was beginning the work to get that installed into city budgets.

Brian Minyard, interim dir. of the Quapaw Quarter Assn., reported the receipt of a major preservation grant from the state Heritage Dept. to provide Curran Hall w/plaster restoration, foundation improvements, etc. a press release is forthcoming.

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